Notice! The following content is not a translation of the Chinese Version.

Baronet J is my own personal site. It is a platform for me to share my ideas and interests, and for me record my professional work. Why did I choose the name “Baronet J” for this website? It's not because I am of the nobility, unfortunately. Here are some reasons why.

• Pay attention to the components of the Baronet. It can be broken up into “Bar-on-et” or “Bar-o-net”. This suits the kernel spirit of this website. It also reflects my desire for this to be an online private bar for me and my friends. I am the owner and the chief bartender of this bar, and I hope to have deep interactions with every visitor.

• The name suits my British-style name – James. James is a historical name from Europe.

I built BaronetJ myself from scratch, taking charge of the design, graph, and code. I used HTML5, CSS3, Java Script and PHP…etc. I hope this website will provide a more complete insight into who I am for both strangers and friends alike. Hope you like it. Please feel free to use the e-mail or contact form on the footer of this site. I appreciate any and all comments. Enjoy!

James Wang

王懷晨, ワン・ファイ・チェン,
Wan Juai Chern, وانق هواي شيرن,
หวัง ไหว เฉิน, 왕회신

My name is James Wang. I was born in Taipei Taiwan. I got my bachelor degree of Information Management in Taiwan. After that, I got my master's in E-Commence at Boston University. I like to explore new places and travel around the world to taste different cultures and meet different people. “Life is short. How to make it colorful and fulfilling is up to you” is what I always say.


I desire to create. I always have new ideas in mind, e.g. new designs, programs, and business and am always searching for opportunities to implement them. I have always dreamed that I would one day be able to change the world by my own power in my own special way. As a result, I chose the software and the Internet industry. Sometimes, I feel doubt about my goals. However, at these times I just think to myself: "A ridiculous dream is the most worthy dream to pursue."


I am interested in web development. In my opinion, E-Commerce is the industry which combines three dimensions - business, technology and design. Those are my interested field. I hope I can be the person to bring beautiful web design and user experience to the daily life.

I like sports. I have always been deeply touched by the spirit of team work and perseverance that sports teams exhibit. I am a team player. In my free time, I watch sports, play basketball, baseball, dance, ski, and sail.


關於准爵 J

Baronet,用中文來說是准爵的意思,在貴族中地位在男爵 (Baron) 之下,騎士之上 (Knight) 。會用這個字來做為這個空間的起始點,是源於一連串的聯想。

一直以來,不斷思索著如何為自己的個人網站起個符合其精神的合適名字。希望這個網站帶給大家的,就像是一個online的私人Bar一樣,而我則是裡面的Chef Bartender,在這個空間裡與每位來訪的客人做深度的交流。

但是,我已擁有了一個 J’s Bar的官網,因此,聯想便從Bar出發了。Baronet字體拆開來可以看作是Bar-on-et 或是Bar-o-net,准爵一詞又符合James 詹姆士這個英國風的名字。Baronet這個階級,不是真正英國貴族的階級,而是授封於平民的爵位 (但高於騎士) ,跟小弟的身分地位還算符合。而在西雅圖德國村(Leavenworth)旅行時,又剛好看到了代表James家族的中世紀盾牌徽章,非常喜歡且感受到了此徽章代表家族的忠誠與榮耀,一連串的聯想與巧合之下,”准爵 J (Baronet J)”誕生了。





王懷晨, ワン・ファイ・チェン,
Wan Juai Chern, وانق هواي شيرن,
หวัง ไหว เฉิน, 왕회신

小弟詹姆士,J,生於台灣台北市,在台灣完成資訊管理學士,後至美國波士頓大學取得電子商務碩士學位。 專注於網路資訊技術與商業模式的創新與觀察。

興趣廣泛、喜歡交朋友,因為朋友對我來說就像是一本書,永遠都有不同的驚喜,所以總是虛心向每位朋友學習,觀察別人的長處,彌補自己的不足;喜歡旅遊,體驗不同的事物和文化,激發我學習的動力,最愛說的一句話— 「人生就像張白紙,沒有很長,但也沒有很短;怎麼上色與作畫,都在自己的控制之中。」


喜歡創造,有著夢想,希望可以憑著自己的力量、專長來改變世界,對人類、對世界有所貢獻。 因此選擇了資訊科技這個可以直接影響人們且有活力的產業來完成我的夢想。希望可以將自己的想法與創意實際實現與實踐。 常常也懷疑自己做不做得到,但也常常用「被嘲笑的夢想,才有被實現的價值」來勉勵自己持續前進。





J's Bar

       It is a website project for my multimedia and online marketing class. I choose the topic which is combined two things I would like to do - making friends and mixing cocktails. It is not a real bar but it is a cozy place for me and my friends. In the end, I got "A+" for this class. The website and Facebook fan page are still alive. Welcome to visit and like it. Enjoy !